Automobile mechanic repairing car in automobile store


The automotive industry is one of the largest economic sectors in the world and the value chain is highly differentiated. Many components and therefore different companies are necessary during the manufacturing process. Beginning by the engine and undercarriage, going on to the windows, doors, and tires of a car, ending by the smallest buttons on the navigation system at the inside – all of these parts need to be produced, checked and delivered just in time to create a smooth process and efficient workflow.

Therefore, even sectors that have little to do with automotive engineering at first glance are involved in the production process. This includes for example manufacturer from the following industries:

  • chemical industry
  • textile industry
  • mechanical engineering
  • electrical engineering
  • steel and aluminum industries
  • etc.

Moreover, engineering offices and car dealers, as well as petrol stations or other car-related services, are either directly or even indirectly dependent on the automotive economy.

What does the chemical industry contribute?

The chemical industry or chemical processes with the production of raw materials for the final product are at the beginning of the value chain. Especially, the production of fuels in the oil and gas industry is essential. Other parts are the production of coatings, adhesives, plastics, rubber, metals, electrical plating or indirectly for example in the production of textiles.

Find out more about the connection to the automotive industry, by exploring our categories and blog posts.